
Welcome to VisionTMS

VisionTMS is an innovative radiologist and psychiatry collaboration specialising in the treatment of mental health disorders, including major depression. We enable your patient to access state-of-the-art TMS treatment at specialist Vision XRAY Group’s practices as an alternative to psychiatry consulting rooms that don’t provide colocated MRI image-guided TMS treatment.

The TMS Image-Guidance Experts

As experts in MRI and image-guided procedures, we specialise in enhancing TMS by using brain MRI to improve treatment precision for the best outcome possible. Our compassionate and patient-centred radiology practices offer the utmost discretion in a supportive clinical environment.


How to refer your patient

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Does Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) really work?

Yes. TMS has been used safely for 30 years and is increasingly recognised as a successful and safe mental health treatment option for patients. Furthermore, there is strong evidence in favour of TMS’s effectiveness in treating Major Depressive Disorder (see the section below). In addition:

  • TMS is supported by the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP).
  • TMS has been TGA-approved for major depression since 2019 and Medicare-approved in Australia since 2021. Please see our Patient Medicare Cover table for more information.
  • TMS research is being conducted to refine the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder, coexisting anxiety, substance use disorders and other mental health conditions.

How does TMS work?

  • The TMS machine has a coil (usually shaped like the number 8 or infinity symbol) that is positioned lightly on the scalp. A narrow beam of magnetic waves, delivered in pulses, stimulate targeted brain cells.
  • The magnetic waves are directed at a specific group of brain cells within the cerebral cortex, which is the topmost layer in the brain and about a quarter of a centimetre thick.
  • When this magnetism is applied enough times to stimulate the group of brain cells, depression can be “switched off”. Your patient can think of it as their “Mood Switch” resetting.
  • With the right ‘dose’ of magnetic energy and the magnetic waves aimed precisely at your patient “Mood Switch”, then the better the chances for your patient to recover.
  • No general or local anesthetic is required during the treatment. Your patient can sit comfortably in an armchair during the process!

Evidence for the use of rTMS in depression

rTMS treatment of depression is supported by large-scale real-world outcome data, including:

  • Umbrella reviews of multiple meta-analyses
  • Network meta-analysis
  • Individual intervention meta-analyses
  • Multi-site large random controlled trials
  • Single site randomised controlled trials
  • Case Reports, case series and non controlled trials

Please get in touch with our expert team for more information about research, trial and report findings.



How we care for and treat patients


As a GP or psychiatrist, you will need to refer your patient to us.


Your patient will consult with our TMS Coordinator, who will explain and plan their TMS pathway.


Your patient will then undergo MRI mapping to identify the precise brain location for treatment. This tells us where to direct the narrow beam of magnetic energy created by the TMS machine to stimulate the relevant brain cells.


This mapping is followed by a dosing session with our TMS-trained consultant psychiatrist. ‘Dosing’ ensures your patient receives the appropriate dose of magnetic energy, as everyone’s optimal dose is slightly different.


Your patient then returns to their local Vision XRAY practice for a course of TMS treatments that are precision delivered by our VisionTMS consultant psychiatrist. During treatments, our team continues to guide, support and care for your patient.


For more information about the patient sessions, please visit the Patient page.


Typical Treatment Course Lengths

The initial treatment course is given over 4 weeks (20 sessions). A further 15 treatments may be spaced out, because gradually weaning may reduce the risk of relapse.

Some patients relapse, on average 4 months after the initial course. A retreatment course will typically involve a further 15 treatments being offered.

To prevent relapse, a booster course can be given every few months, administered over 1-2 weeks.


eLearning to Support Your Patients

VisionTMS is proud to partner with MindSkiller®, an engaging and effective eLearning and eTraining platform that enhances mental health literacy for help providers.

Through MindSkiller®, you can access specialist-grade knowledge, skills and strategies to optimise your patient’s mental health treatment while gaining accredited certification.

MindSkiller® also offers patients an eLearning platform to use alongside their VisionTMS treatments and assist in their journey to good mental health.


Patient Medicare Cover

Initial TMS Treatment Course

Medicare provides cover if your patient meets the following criteria:

  • Not received TMS treatment previously.
  • At least 18 years of age.
  • Diagnosed with a major depressive episode.
  • Did not adequately improve from a major depressive episode.
  • Trialled at least two different classes of antidepressant medication (unless being exempt on medical grounds).
  • Undertaken psychological therapy (unless being exempt on medical grounds).

TMS Retreatment Course

Medicare provides cover if your patient meets the following criteria:

  • Previously received an initial course and had a satisfactory clinical response.
  • Relapsed after the initial course
  • An interval of at least four months since receiving the initial course.

TMS Booster Course

Medicare does not usually provide cover unless:

  • Your patient commences the booster course four months after the initial course, and it forms part of the retreatment course.
  • Please contact us, and we can discuss your patient’s circumstances.

Medicare cover FAQs

What is the definition of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)?

  • An episode of depression that lasts at least 2 weeks.
  • Marked impairment in function.

Diagnostic criteria set out in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems – 11th Revision (ICD-11) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association – Fifth Edition (DSM-5) should guide the clinician.

How is a major depressive episode diagnosed for Medicare eligibility?

  • Trialled two antidepressants at the recommended therapeutic dose for at least 3 weeks.
  • The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrist’s (RANZCP’s) clinical guidelines suggest a minimum trial period of 4 weeks with no response and 6-8 weeks where there has been a partial response.